Will We Invite Jesus in This Christmas?


I was sitting outside of Bath and Body Works on a bench resting my aching feet when a man sat down next to me.

My husband was inside getting a couple last minute gifts and the man next to me shared his wife was doing the same.

We had small talk then he hits me over the head with a humdinger. It floored me what came out of his mouth.

“I’ve been married for thirty years and I think our marriage is pretty much over.”

If you don’t know this about me, I’m a people person and love talking to people and it’s rare you will find this girl speechless.

I was so speechless.

I was just wanting to sit down, rest my feet and to be honest I really did not feel like conversing with anyone.

Then this.

As I’m choking on my words not knowing what to say, I respond: “I’m sorry to hear that. I know marriage can be hard.” 

Then the floodgates were opened.

He begins to share with me all she does is sit on the computer and stare at a screen, they’ve slept in separate beds for years because of his snoring. The magic is gone. The spark done fizzled out years ago and they’ve tried but it’s just not working.

I can tell he’s hurting.

And I do not want to give him just some corny, cliché answer, but I also realize I’m running out of time. His wife will be coming out soon and the Holy Spirit is prompting me to open my mouth and share a little bit of hope.

And I realize this is really going to sound cheesy and corny no matter what I say.. so I decide to obey the Holy Spirit. (Though I really want to ask Him, “Really here?!? Now? Couldn’t you have given me a little more time to ease into this?!”)

So I ask a couple of simple questions:

“Do you go to church?”

“No, not really, I mean sometimes for Christmas and stuff.”

“Is God part of your marriage?”

“Not really..I mean we believe in God…but..”

At this point people are coming out of the store so I end with this:

“My husband and I almost didn’t make it a couple of times and God saved our marriage. We could have never made it without Him. Invite God into your marriage. Go to church with your wife before you call it quits.”

He just kinda looks at me with a deer in the headlights look and then his wife and my husband walk out about the same time. We both stand up wish each other a Merry Christmas and walk away.

That was about ten years ago.

I still look back on that incident and wonder if he took my advice. I also wonder If he realized that was God interrupting us when we least expected it.

We just never know when God is going to show up do we? So here’s the question: When He does will we invite Him in? 

Will we let Him interrupt our busy chaotic season to give a word of hope when He prompts?

Will we invite Him in to talk with us if it’s been a long time since we had a conversation with Him?

Will we invite Him into our fears and doubts and let Him grant us the peace our hearts are aching for?

Friend–Christmas will be here in three short weeks.

And our God is always pursuing us. In His extravagant love He cannot not pursue us.  And He loved us so much He sent His Son to this world to bring us the peace, joy and hope we are longing for.

So when Jesus stands at the door of our hearts this Christmas season and knocks, will we let Him in?

When we hear the knock it may be unexpected. It may feel uncomfortable and He may even come in the middle of the night or when you’re sitting outside of a store in a shopping mall.

But when He comes to each of of this Christmas season, may we open our doors and hearts fully and welcome Him in.




About justthewritegift@comcast.net

6 comments on “Will We Invite Jesus in This Christmas?

  1. Wow this is very powerful stuff sister. I hope this couple invites the Lord into their relationship. Travis and I definitely put the Lord first it’s very important to put him first to have a strong marriage.

    • Thank you Sister! Yes, we surely can’t do it without Him can we? Love you! And thanks for coming by! xo

  2. A very thought provoking and inspiring post for married couples. I pray he took your advice, because marriage is hard enough, without God in it is almost impossible. A great post by you!

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