The Sacred Gift of Friendship (Book Giveaway!)


*My dear friend Beth Kinder is guest posting today, such an honor to have her here. Welcome, Beth! 

It was four in the morning and her voice sounded sleepy on the phone.

I knew I woke her up. I could barely get out the words, “Pray for me” because the uncontrollable tears, the ones that make it hard to breathe, were streaming down my face.

Shame consumed me and fear whispered in my ear, “It’s all over.” She never questioned my request, she never questioned my character, but began to call down heaven over the phone.

In that moment I received a sacred gift called friendship.

Mary, the mother of Jesus, was a young teen, pregnant, and not married. She found herself in a life or death situation and needed someone to trust. Mary reached out to her cousin Elizabeth, and in her she found a sacred friend.

When Elizabeth first encountered Mary, she reminded her who she really was, “Blessed are you above all others…” The details of what brought Mary to her never changed Elizabeth’s opinion of her.

In the book The Uncommon Woman by Susie Larson, she talks about a love that sees and a love that covers — that love is friendship.

“If we guard our heart [from self-righteousness] we’ll get a front-row seat to see God’s divine love work in them… on the other hand when we are muddied with self-righteousness… God won’t let us in on the precious treasure of their strengths because right now we are mishandling their weaknesses.”

Susie goes on to explain that Christ’s work in us is sacred, and our painful moments are holy ground, because the highs and lows of our journey mean something to God. If we treat people’s sacred ground like common dirt we become like pigs trampling on the pearls of God.

In Matthew 7:6 it says, “Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do they may trample them under their feet, and then turn to tear you to pieces.”

Perhaps you’ve entrusted your pearls to others that did not appreciate them and now you live guarded. Yet, today you find yourself in a place where you really need a person to lean into God before leaning into the details.

Maybe you’ve prayed for that one person who knows the real you, so that the circumstances surrounding your prayer need isn’t nearly as important as the need for prayer.

I understand, I’ve been there before, and finding a trusted friend is risky. I want to remind you today that Jesus was born into a world that rejected Him, but He let them in anyway.

Can I encourage you to continue praying for your sacred friend? God will answer.

Until He does let me be her today, let me extend to you a sacred gift of friendship.

Today I want to remind you that your circumstances do not dictate your identity. God sees you and His love is covering you. The highs and lows of our journey toward Him are not in vain. He will restore all that the enemy has consumed. He will bring purpose to your pain and joy will return to you again.

Possibly you’re not the one in need, but you have the ability to be the sacred friend for another. Guard your heart dear one.

When God brings you a broken sister you are standing on sacred ground and are about to witness a miracle right before your eyes.


You will have the privilege to partner with the God of all creation to bring hope, healing, and purpose back into another’s life.

Steward it well and you will reap what you sow. The friend I called at four in the mourning walked an incredibly painful journey with me. Yet, today she testifies that it was one of the greatest faith builders in her life.


beth-kinderBeth has been speaking and working in ministry since 1994, and is the author of the book, Stronghold — The Secrets Beyond the Wall and co-author of Walk Through Ephesians, A 20-Day Journey

In 2011, from her living room, Beth began teaching workshops to women. Those workshops grew into the nonprofit organization Remade that exists to eradicate biblical illiteracy and Christian isolation. The organization reaches women and men all across the United States and several countries. Beth is a wife, mom, author and teacher of all things Jesus. You can find her on blog at and


*Book Giveaway! So the book Beth talks about? The Uncommon Woman by Susie Larson it looks sooo awesome I had to give it away! How to win the book: Subscribe to my blog via email and comment and I will enter you in the drawing. Share this post on any of your social media pages and with each share you get another chance at winning! Just make sure to tag me or let me know you shared it. I will choose the winner on Monday the 12th. 🙂




12 comments on “The Sacred Gift of Friendship (Book Giveaway!)

    • Amy- I’m use to think that guarding our hearts just meant protecting them and being cautious. Now, I’m realizing it can go two ways. Guarding ourselves as well from pride, self-righteousness and fear. We truly need the Lord for all of it! Thanks for coming by! xo

    • Hi Amy,

      I had to learn how to guard my heart for all the right reasons. Keep it open to love fearlessly and guarded so I don’t wind up unintentionally hurting those who are already hurting. So glad you enjoyed the post. Thanks for commenting.

  1. I thought it was a very inspiring post. The heart is such a fragile thing and so many people can hurt it that we become guarded and afraid to share it with others. May God give us the love and the grace to be there for someone and just listen and not have to even give an opinion at all, just be their friend.

  2. Wow! I believe this is a word so many woman need to here in this day and time.Their has been so much hurt between woman it’s time to partner with the Lord and bring healing to each other.
    Carla Nutt

    • Carla- I so agree my friend. I just loved this word from Beth, it ministered to me on so many levels. I want to be a friend that brings healing, compassion and grace to my friends. So blessed by you my dear! Hope you have an amazing Christams! xo

  3. This is one of my favorite messages about friendship. Sacred friendships; It’s the cry of every woman’s heart (at least the ones that I know)!!

    Thank you for this, Beth! and I’m glad to find Holly’s blog through you!

    I subscribed too!! <3

    • Thanks so much for coming by Kela! I agree, this message from Beth is one of my favorite messages on friendship as well. Thanks so much for subscribing, look forward to getting to connecting with you friend. Have a wonderful Christmas!

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