Welcome to Deck Your Halls & Hearts With Holly! (Giveaways!)

Welcome friends!

I’m over here like a kid on Christmas morning, cheesy I know, but it’s true, I’m so excited to have you here! I can’t wait to journey together for the next few weeks of Advent and experience Christ together.

Here are a couple things you need to know right off, if you don’t know who I am or you’re starting to think I’m some crazy Christmas person with a fake name. (Okay, I may be a little over the top with Christmas) but my name really is Holly Noel. πŸ™‚

I was born on December twenty-second and brought home on Christmas day and so my parents gave me a Christmas name.

So, I decided to love Christmas to not embarrass them. Just joking, I love Christmas from the top of my head to the tips of my toes. And maybe a little more, but here’s the thing, yes I love the colors, lights, fun, and magic of Christmas, but more than anything else I love Christmas because of the Hope it brings.

When God sent His Son to earth and Jesus took His first breath when He exhaled, He blew life, purpose, and hope back into this world.

Just ask yourself, without Christ coming for us what kind of hope would we have?


I have asked God for a few big things with this Christmas series.

1. That the scriptures we read and talk about in this series will make us all fall in love with God’s word more than ever before.


2. That our lives would be transformed this Christmas. That we would see the miracles of our faith and trust in God growing.

For those of you who may be feeling stagnant in your faith, I’m praying that as you study about Christ this season, you will feel a revival and a fire in your bones that cannot be quenched.

For some of you that don’t know Christ or have never given your life to Him, I’m praying by reading and hearing about how He came to earth just for YOU, that this season you will say a wholehearted yes to making Him your Lord and Savior.

I know pretty big requests huh?

Well my friends, we serve a very BIG GOD. And I pray this Christmas series is way more than just a series. I hope by the end of it you can say, “Hey, that crazy Christmas lady shared about Jesus and God did a miracle in my heart.”

So, my friend, let’s go to Bethlehem, and everywhere in between the pages of Scripture to find our God. And may we feel Immanuel (God with us) with us the whole time smiling down on His kids.

Much love,



Okay, here are some fun things to know about the series so you don’t miss anything! I will post a calendar of all the events in a few days letting you know all the fun things that will be happening!

Here’s the two biggest things you need to know:Β 

Picture over the next month you are going to have two online cozy homes to go to:

My blog hollynoelhaynes.com and my facebook page @ Holly Haynes.

On my blog you will read two blogs a week, one at the beginning of the week and one at the end. The rest of your daily dose of joy (Advent devotionals, facebook lives) will happen on my facebook page the other days. πŸ™‚

Here are the guidelines on how to win the giveaways:

  • Sign up and subscribe to my blog (if you are already a subscriber don’t worry about it) to do that scroll down on my page and you will see the sign up.Β 

  • Comment on each blog post. (Over the next two weeks there will be a total of five, this post is the first one).Β 

  • Share each blog post on facebook and tag me in it so I can keep track of those that share.

That’s it! πŸ™‚ The prizes are listed below!

First prize- Advent Bundle!Β 

Because of Bethlehem from Max Lucado,(My favorite Christmas book that is filled with so much Hope!) Gorgeous hand painted Bronner’s ornament, and $25 Amazon gift card. Winner announced on December 8th on Facebook!


Grand Prize- Happy New Year Bundle! (Get cozied up with your favorite coffee, an amazing book that will help you see life in a new way, and buy yourself a little something!) :

$50 Amazon gift card, All Things New from John Eldredge (My favorite book right now about Heaven this book will blow you away!), and a Starbucks or Tim Horton’s gift


Winner announced on December 17th on Facebook!

About justthewritegift@comcast.net

26 comments on “Welcome to Deck Your Halls & Hearts With Holly! (Giveaways!)

    • Jeannette, Yay!!! I’m so excited to hear this! And I’m so glad you are going to be joining me in this series. So looking forward to connecting with you. πŸ™‚

  1. Looking forward to this series. You are such an inspiration and I already enjoy your posts, so I’m ready to see what you bring to us through this series.

    • Tammy, thank you for your kind woreds. I’m so excited about this journey through Advent and blessed you will be coming along on the journey! xo

  2. Wanted to say I’m so excited for you, but the truth is…I’m excited for me!!! This is going to be amazing if it’s anything like the intro!! Love you Holly Noelβ€οΈπŸŽ„πŸŽš

    • Lisa, I’m so glad you are going to be coming along as we journey through Advent and this beautiful season. <3

    • Joy, Aw, I’m so glad Joy. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus this season sister. I struggle too! But, we can do this! xo

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