3 Ways to Recapture the Magic & Meaning of Christmas (Giveaways and Free Printable)

It’s time we make some changes in how we do Christmas.

Many of us get so stressed out at Christmas and here are a few of the culprits:

We’ve accepted stress and chaos as the norm, we people please, and we barrel into the season with no plan whatsoever.

Think about it, we don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings or make anyone angry so we say yes to things we don’t even want to do out of guilt. And, instead of planning what we want our Christmas to look like, we just to decide to do everything, go to everything, and be everything to all. 

And all the while, we are hoping the Magic Christmas fairy is going to produce our magical, It’s a Wonderful Life Christmas all on its own.

So, what are we to do?

I came up with three short, but simple ways to help us recapture the magic & meaning this season:


In a season so full of rush and overwhelm, may we start this season off with quiet time before the Lord. Say your own prayer or use this one:

“God, I want to see you and feel your presence this Christmas. I want to end this season with a deeper love for you. My greatest desire this Christmas is to know you and trust you more. Please guide me this season, help me not to stress, and to experience what Christmas is truly about: Your Son.”


Sit down and visualize what you want your Christmas to look like. Are you more introverted and can’t stand going to thirty parties and desire more peace and quiet? Are you desiring more time with people you are close to? Call them, set a date, and make it happen. Look at your to do list and figure out what needs to go and what needs to stay. Prioritize what truly matters and what is best for you and your family.

Be the Change-

So many times we complain about the commercialism of Christmas but, here’s a question we should ask ourselves:

“What are we doing to change it?” Be the change you want to see this year. Find creative ways to combat commercialism with keeping Christ center. Make a list of all the ways you wish Christmas was different and implement them. Instead of overspending on your loved ones, give the gift they want the most: Your time. Have fun planning special days or nights with people who mean the most to you.

Blessings to each of you and your loved ones this season– may we pray, plan, and prioritize and in doing so, have the most peaceful Christmas we’ve ever had.


Below is a Christmas Manifesto that I wrote for some of us who may need some reminders for all the above.  

Print it out, put that bad boy on your fridge, and let’s all be the change this year! 🙂


Guidelines for winning the Advent and New Year Bundle:

  • Sign up and subscribe to my blog (if you are already a subscriber don’t worry about it) to do that scroll down on my page and you will see the sign up. 

  • Comment on each blog post. (Over the next two weeks there will be a total of five, the first one was posted on December 1st and the last one will be posted on the 15th.). 

  • Share each blog post on facebook and tag me in it so I can keep track of those that share.


Advent Bundle-

Because of Bethlehem from Max Lucado,(My favorite Christmas book that is filled with so much Hope!) Gorgeous hand painted Bronner’s ornament, and $25 Amazon gift card. (Winner announced on December 8th on Facebook!)


Grand Prize- New Year Bundle-

$50 Amazon gift card, All Things New from John Eldredge (My favorite book right now about Heaven this book will blow you away!), and a Starbucks or Tim Horton’s gift card. (Winner announced on December 17th on Facebook.)



About justthewritegift@comcast.net

19 comments on “3 Ways to Recapture the Magic & Meaning of Christmas (Giveaways and Free Printable)

  1. Yes! This Christmas I am focusing on connecting with my friends and spending time with those I love in a meaningful way. In fact this week I am taking my girls out for a much needed long overdue mommy daughter date.

    • That’s awesome Lisa that you are taking the time to do that with your friends and your girls! 🙂 Have a great time with your daughters this week. 🙂

  2. Holly what a way to express the politically correct holiday season and why we do what we do. Which sometimes we have to say no.
    Thank you and Merry Christmas

  3. I love this. Thank you. These are some of the things I have been trying to put into place this year and needed this reminder today.

  4. Thank you For taking the time and doing what you do best! I really have been enjoying reading your blog and keeping connected with you. Keep it coming sister!

    • Aw, thank you so much Carla. You always bring me such encouragement. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas my friend! And let’s do lunch after the holidays! xoxo

  5. Our Church is doing a series called Stressmas. You are so right it can become extremely overwhelming. This will be my first Christmas without my mom as well as having a birthday later this week. Lets just say my emotions as well as anxiety have been on a rollercoaster ride. Holly, I just want you to know your posting today was a God wink for me. Thank you

    • Dora, I am so sorry my friend about losing your mother. I lost my father almost three years ago and it’s been so tough without him at Christmas. I’m so sorry my friend that you are going through such a loss. Praying God’s peace and comfort over during this season. May you feel Immanuel, God with you. So glad my post encouraged you today. Hopefully you can join me for my live later? Be blessed dear sister. xo

  6. Thanks for the reminder. I love “Blessings to each of you and your loved ones this season– may we pray, plan, and prioritize and in doing so, have the most peaceful Christmas we’ve ever had.”

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