If you had only 30 days left to live…

A couple weeks ago I did something what some might call strange, with my kids. 

That’s okay though I know I’m quirky. 

 We sat down and I asked them to write down what they would do with their lives if they knew they only had 30 days left to live. 

 They laughed at first, but once they got into it, they really wrote some profound stuff. 

 Both of them wrote things like, I would  read my bible more and play Playstation 3 less, (they got one for christmas and have acquired game fever), pray more, spend more time with Jesus and spend more time with my family and friends.  I loved something Brendon wrote: “I would give money to Haiti and give all my stuff to the poor.”

So as we reviewed our lists and we saw the contrast  to our lives at times, we realized something BIG.

What was written on those lists is how God wants us to live our lives ALL the time.  Because the fact of the matter is we never know when it’s going to be our last day here on this earth. 

I want to teach my kids how to live their faith out daily and intentionally. 

 God has called us to not only give to the poor monetarily, but emotionally and spiritually. We have spiritually poor people around us all the time and God is calling us to pour into them.  God is calling us to give back what He has given us and to live intentional.

I realized a few things as I went over my list.  I want to love God more. I want serve His people better. I want to spend more time with those that I love.  I want to show my kids you can truly know Jesus, not just know about Him.  These are the things that truly matter to God. Not how nice my house is, how many cars I drive, or if my kids are involved in every activity or sport out there.

 Life is so stinking busy it’s so easy to get caught  up more in the temporal things in life that will not last.   But If I do not get intentional about my faith and teach my children to do the same, I will stand before the Lord with regrets.

So I am trying to prioritize. To get rid of the busy and clutter in our lives that is keeping us from being and doing what Jesus left for us to  do in Matthew 28:18-20. To go, teach, love and serve.

What would you do different if you had only 30 days left to live? The answers just may surprise you.

Matthew 6:19-21 Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

1 comments on “If you had only 30 days left to live…

  1. What a great post my friend. YesterdayI was standing at the window looking out and I thought I’m gonna get my chair and go outside and read and just enjoy the gorgeous sunshine. Then, right away I turned around and saw the mess in my kitchen and thought, “Oh, darn, I need to clean this up”. When I picked up the sponge and started to wipe off the counter I stopped and realized, “this could wait”. And it did!
    I think so many times especially as women we can lose sight of what really is important and we need to come to a place within our hearts where we live in whats really important and thats our relationships. Thats not to say we should live like pigs but those dishes and that laundry or those dirty floors will still be there, Lord knows no one else is gonna come do it! lol But, I loved this and I love you my friend, what a great inspiration you are to all those God has placed around you.

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