My husband and I have two teenage boys. We’ve been talking about important things with them and will continue to. Because here’s the thing, our world is not deficient of rock stars or star athletes, but it could use some more rock solid men. 1. Making the starting line up does not make you a […]
Teaching Our Kids Not to Mask Their Pain
I answered the phone and on the other end was a dear friend sobbing. She was going through a debilitating depression and was making the decision whether to get on medication or not. She has teenagers like myself and I asked her if the kids knew. I could barely hear her whisper on the other […]
Dear Teen Girl-Please Read Before Sending Nudes
First, I need to share my story with you because we have a lot in common. I never sent nudes when I was your age because well, technology wasn’t there yet. The question is, if I had been given the opportunity would I have sent them? Unfortunately, I can’t say I wouldn’t have. Because the […]
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