Dear Student, We live in an age where you at anytime can acquire knowledge with the tap of your finger. You have access to more dictionaries and encyclopedias in one day than our ancestors ever had in their lifetime. The world looks at you, with your head down, and sees that you are always reading. […]
When We Are Longing To Be Liked
I had to take a couple weeks off social media. My perspective was getting skewed. It’s like social media has become this entity and I was judging my cool factor or self-worth in how many likes or comments I had. (maybe not to that extreme but you get my point.) Can anyone relate? Please tell me […]
One Thing That Could Save Your Marriage
I stood in front of our Everfree students last week and asked these questions: “What if I told you I could give you a tool which could transform your relationships, help you hear your calling and strengthen your relationship with God? Would you want that tool?” Now what if I asked you, “what if I […]
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